A: Arts & Education, Academic Advising
B: Basketball, Baseball, Bookstore, Bachelors
C: Campus Activity Centre, Clock Tower, Cheerleading, Co-operative Education, Common Grounds, Counselling Services, Campus Commons
D: the Den, Degree, Diploma
E: East Village, ESTR’s Market, Environmental Science
F: Future Students Office, Field Schools
G: Graduate Degrees
H: House of Learning, Horticulture Gardens
I: International Building, Indigenization
J: Juris Doctor of Law
K: Ken Lepin Science Building
L: Library
M: McGill Housing, Math Help Centre, Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, Medical Clinic
N: Nursing Building, North Tower Residence
O: OLARA, Open Learning, Open House
P: Print Services, Post Secondary
Q: Qualifications
R: Residence Buildings, Research, Respiratory Therapy
S: Students, Soccer, Swimming, STARS, Study Abroad, Scratch Cafe, Scholarships
T: Thompson Rivers University, Tournament Capital Centre, Trades and Technology, TRUSU
U: Undergraduate Degrees
V: Volleyball, Volunteer
W: Wolfpack, Writing Help Centre, Wellness Centre
X: eXercise
Y: academic Year
Z: Zero-Waste Stations
Written by Future Student Ambassador, Kira Schmidt (2025).