When deciding where to go for university, there are many things to consider. Academics are for sure important, but almost more important than that is student life. Your time in post secondary will be some of the best years of your life with opportunities for a lot of socialization. You want somewhere that has a vibrant campus life so you can enjoy every single day. Trust me, you’ll spend a lot of time there so this is big! I think the top two factors that make or break campus life are what events are offered and the food choices available. Luckily, TRU slays in both of these categories. So follow along to find out more.
During your studies, you’ll spend a lot of time on campus for not only your classes but also your study time, social time, and sometimes those couple hours you have to wait out between classes. Having a lively campus makes this time so much better. At TRU, there’s always something going on around campus. I love going to events like Therapy Dogs Thursdays or Soup Circle on Wednesdays. I can use this time to catch up with peers or simply relax in the midst of the rush that comes with student life. With over sixty different clubs on campus, there are constantly club meetings and events going on that you can attend too! For example, a few weeks ago the TRU Geography Society (the best club on campus according to this geography student) held a social night with door prizes and free pizza. It was great! Throughout the semester, there are always big events going on too like the Back to School BBQ and Winterfest where you can join hundreds of other students and enjoy the entertainment. If something formal is more your speed, there are also events like the Model UN Gala. There’s so many options every week for you to get involved in campus life and make the most out of your time on campus. When you’re here, check out the bulletin boards and follow the TRU social media accounts to get the scoop!
When you’re spending a lot of time on campus, you’re also spending a lot of mealtimes here too. While we all try to bring our own food and save a few bucks, sometimes we fall short and that’s okay. Especially when there’s so many excellent food options for whatever you need on campus. I often forget to make my coffee in the morning (or gaslight myself into thinking I don’t need it when I do), but Starbucks and Common Grounds come in for the win. Another one of my favourites is going to The Den or Scratch Café with my friends to enjoy lunch. These two restaurants offer a sit-down component which is nice! When I’m on my own though, my go to (and the go to of many of us in the Future Students Office), is ESTR’s Market. They have the best soup for low prices. You definitely have to try it! All around campus there are so many food options waiting for you which makes campus life all the more enjoyable.
At TRU, you’re guaranteed to love being on campus as a result of the constant events and great food options. You’re going to spend many hours here, so those two factors will help you to unwind and make the most out of your time. Try out as much as you can! You won’t regret it.
Future Student Ambassador, Abby – Bachelor of Arts. “In Between Classes: Making the Most of Your Time on Campus”, 5 Dec. 2022