Each individual ambassador has their campus favourites. From favourite places to eat, study spaces, courses, classes, clubs, events and more, there is something for everyone at this university. Find out what the ambassadors love about TRU below, and gain insights to the #myTRU experience!

Student Services
“My favourite student service has to be Counselling. The transition to university is no doubt a challenge for many. You may find yourself in stress over the change in pace, or you may worry where your future lies beyond graduation. Counsellors are available to chat whenever. Talking to a counsellor will provide you relief from anxiety, sadness, frustration, stress, or any personal issues, and they are there to chat about anything and everything.” – Alex
“My favourite event is IDays (International Days), because it highlights the international community at TRU, it allows people to learn about other cultures and also share their own! It is such a great way to get involved and to make new friends and celebrate diversity on campus. It is such a great event filled with food, music and dances that really brings everyone together.” – Valeria
Study Spaces
“My favourite place to study on campus is Cplul’kw’ten (House 5). I like Cplul’kw’ten for studying because there’s always so many resources available there, as they tend to invite writing centre tutors over to help students, as well as TRU librarians to help with any research or formatting questions students might have!” – Hailey
“My favourite place on campus is Common Grounds in the Student Union Building! Not only does it have the best coffee, but it is also a great place to study or hang out with friends. Common Grounds provides food and drink options for everyone, and all profits go back to the Student Union. I love supporting a business that gives back to the students!” – Abby

“My favourite place on campus to study is the Campus Activity Centre. There are so many areas within the building to nestle down and work, my personal favourite being by the coffee shop, Common Grounds. There always seems to be a spot to sit and next to no line up to grab a drink. This area is my go-to place in between classes and to get work done!” – Arnica
Seems like Common Grounds is a popular one! But there are so many awesome places to study on campus.
“My favourite view is from parking lot H that looks out over Kamloops. When I arrive on campus for my early morning 8:30 classes, the view from this parking lot makes me feel so peaceful and ready to take on the day. I often find myself pausing to take it in, particularly on sunny days.” – Erin

Advice for Future Students
We encourage you to try different clubs, sports teams or even just talking to your peers and professors outside of class. Be open to meeting new people and trying out new things. Getting out of your comfort zone will definitely be worth it in the end. You might even discover new passions and talents!
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially to your professors. The professors and other staff members at TRU truly want to see you succeed so never be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
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